Nov 25, 2020
We’ve all watched labour and birth on tv or in films – and 9/10 births will be happening on a hospital bed of some kind, imbedding into everyone’s mind that birth has to take place on a bed lying down on your back.
In reality, lying on your back in labour can be a real hindrance… fact the more upright you are, with gravity on your side the better.
Oct 27, 2020
Whilst the most common way of finding out you are pregnant is by using a home pregnancy test, many of us will only take a test because we’ve experienced certain symptoms that have made us wonder…
Oct 19, 2020
So you have been preparing for the new arrival for months now and you are looking forward to holding your baby in your arms. Labour starts in many ways for different women – some won’t feel any contractions until their waters break and for others their waters don’t break until they are deep into their labour!
Would you notice if these 7 subtle signs of labour start happening?
Jun 30, 2020
One of the most important things that you can do to help yourself in labour is to learn about relaxation and we’re going to look at just how and why relaxation could help you…
Jun 30, 2020
It’s one of the most well-known symptoms, one of the earliest signs and one of the worst parts of pregnancy, but (on the plus side!) it’s also a sign of a healthy and well established pregnancy.
Jun 30, 2020
Assuming you’ve met his basic needs and he isn’t ill, hungry or in need of a clean nappy, you could try some of the following tried and tested methods for calming your crying baby…
Jun 30, 2020
After the exhilaration of the birth, the joy of meeting your newborn and the relief that your pregnancy is over, it’s time to crack on with the business at hand – being a mum!
Jun 30, 2020
It is a good idea to know what is expected during labour, and also to learn what will happen immediately after birth to you and your baby.
Jun 29, 2020
Pregnancy Tips for Dads! Well this is it – you’re going to be a dad. You’re one half of the dynamic due that has created this new life and whilst your partner will have the task of carrying the baby and its delivery into the world, your role is to...
Jun 29, 2020
We’re hoping that you’re not feeling too sick, or too tired and that as your pregnancy progresses you will positively bloom!
Jun 29, 2020
So, after a long 9 months of waiting, don’t stop now! keeping labour going…. the worrying and anticipating is over, finally your contractions begin!
Jun 29, 2020
The truth is that pregnancy, birth, motherhood, it’s EMOTIONAL. If you have been affected by any of these things please know that you are not alone and there are organisations that can help.