
Midwife-run courses in the comfort of your own home. We’re the leading provider of interactive childbirth & newborn education operating in partnership with 140 NHS maternity clinics.

We at Now Baby believe that antenatal classes aren’t about teaching you how to give birth or parent, every pregnancy and birth is as different as the baby you will have and there is no one way to give birth or no one size fits all way of being a parent.
During our sessions, our midwives, who bring with them their expertise of working in the NHS and private care, will help you to understand the choices that exist around your pregnancy, labour, birth and parenting journey. We know that when you have had the opportunity to ask questions, fully understand the different options and feel confident in yourself, you’ll be empowered to make the best choice for you and your baby.
Our midwives explore with you all of the options – be it having your baby at home, in a birth centre or in a hospital unit, whilst also ensuring that you are prepared for any eventuality during labour and birth.
Our interactive, practical, and honest classes are about supporting you and having the opportunity to really explore in detail. Our midwives draw on the very latest evidence-based research and their experience of maternity care in covering all aspects of labour and birth, as well as those crucial early days and weeks of parenthood, including plenty of practical tips and advice on how to care for your newborn.
And the support isn’t just limited to during our classes – our midwives are self-proclaimed birth and baby geeks and are more than happy to answer your questions or talk you through any concerns you may be having after the course has finished and during your first few months with your new baby.
Our comprehensive course covers all things pregnancy, labour, birth and beyond and due to the interactive nature of the course is tailored to the interests of each group.
During all our 8-session antenatal courses (whether spread out over a few weeks or condensed into 1 intensive day!) we guide you through:
- Journey to Motherhood – focusing upon antenatal care and choices and preparing for your pregnancy, labour and birth.
- Mind and Body Preparation – exploring what labour and birth is from a physiological and emotional perspective.
- Labour and Birth Process – from understanding the early signs of labour, through the different stages and the birth of your baby.
- Birth Management – explores an alternative pathway to birth because we know that birth comes in different forms. Induction of labour, pain relief, assisted birth and birth by caesarean are all discussed in detail.
- Your New Baby – is all about baby, aiming to help clear up some of the myths and facts and support you in feeling confident in making the right choices for a great life with a new baby.
- New Mum – your new role as parents, the postnatal recovery, what to expect and all of the changes that occur.
- Breastfeeding – an evidence-based class that aims to help you feel confident about feeding your baby. We know how keen parents are to understand and discuss breastfeeding and there is no time better than the antenatal period to get started.
- Baby First Aid – is about more than what to do in an emergency. We explore life with a new baby, where to get help, common childhood illnesses and safe sleeping.
Who to bring
The benefit of an online, interactive course is that you and your birth partner/supporters can all attend with you or using their own devices if they are at work/away. We often have cats, dogs and other pets joining in too!
Who’ll be there
We limit our class numbers to ensure that everyone is able to ask questions and really get to know each other. Whilst we encourage turning your cameras on, we know there will be days when you just don’t fancy it – and that’s fine too! We usually have a mixture of both in our classes.
How to book
Head over to the booking page for further course information and to book online with us.