Week 25 of Pregnancy

Week 25 is often when your routine antenatal regular appointments start. You may have had a few appointments already if you have needed to see your consultant or additional checks and care, but your regular antenatal appointments are important in checking on all...

Week 24 of Pregnancy

Your baby must be really starting to expand now and with it should also come some real kicks and nudges from inside. Gone are the days when you’re not  sure if it’s a fluttering movement or a bit of wind – there is no mistaking your baby is somersaulting inside...

Week 23 of Pregnancy

At 23 weeks into your pregnancy get ready for things to really start changing, beginning with what will feel like a growth spurt.  From the end of this week onwards, your baby’s growth will really take off – with baby doubling in size over the next few weeks – so be...

Week 22 of Pregnancy

By around week 22 of pregnancy, you should be feeling some kind of activity or movement from your baby. Whilst some feel their baby move from around 16 weeks, for most – especially if it is your first baby it usually happens after 18-20 weeks. If you have never felt...

Week 21 of Pregnancy

After all of the excitement of last week with your 20 week scan, you’re probably feeling more and more pregnant and now beginning to enjoy this next stage of your pregnancy. There are lots of changes ahead as preparation begins for the third trimester and life with a...

Week 20 of Pregnancy

You’ve made it to the milestone of halfway through your pregnancy – wow! Lots happening this week for you in terms of appointments and checks, so be prepared for a busy and hopefully exhilarating week ahead.  One of the big events this week is your 20 week or the...

Week 19 of Pregnancy

Slowly inching your way to the all important milestone of the halfway point – you are firmly in your second trimester and things are due to change alot over the next few weeks. Take a moment to just reflect back on where you are – you may have had a straightforward...

Week 18 of Pregnancy

You are now four and half months pregnant – so almost halfway there.  As your pregnancy progresses, you’ll find that most of the growth is now focused on your bump.  At this stage, it’ll affect you mainly in clothing you are wearing and your changing shape – although...

Week 17 of Pregnancy

If you haven’t already, by week 17 of pregnancy your bump will be starting to become a lot more prominent – not just that is it/isn’t it bloating kind of look!  Your baby is continuing to grow and develop, but you’ll also notice changes in yourself too – such as your...

Week 16 of Pregnancy

What happens in week 16 of pregnancy. Week 16 is also the end of the fourth month of your pregnancy – only roughly 5 more months to go!  This is also the week where you should be having your next midwife appointment – even if you’ve had to see a doctor/consultant...

Week 15 of Pregnancy

What happens in week 15 of pregnancy. By the 15th week of pregnancy, we’re hoping you are feeling more confident in your pregnant self and experiencing some of that mythical ‘pregnancy bloom’.  Your bump is probably a lot more prominent too – just enough to show off...

Week 14 of Pregnancy

What happens in week 14 of pregnancy. By now hopefully you are starting to feel some of that second trimester magic – less tired, more full of energy and as a result a lot more settled and excited for the weeks ahead.  Your body is changing too – you may still have a...