Week 14 of Pregnancy

Antenatal Advice From The Experts

Learn about your baby’s development week by week along with common symptoms you might experience during your pregnancy.

Written by Amina Hatia RM and medically reviewed by Marley Hall RM

Published on December 5, 2021
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What happens in week 14 of pregnancy.

By now hopefully you are starting to feel some of that second trimester magic – less tired, more full of energy and as a result a lot more settled and excited for the weeks ahead.  Your body is changing too – you may still have a flat stomach, but don’t be surprised if suddenly a little bump starts to show.  As your baby grows, your uterus will expand more and more – and that baby bump is getting ready to be shown off in all it’s glory.

How big is my baby?

At 14 weeks your baby is continuing to grow, measuring around 8.5 cms long and weighing around 40 grams, your baby is roughly the size of a good sized peach.

What happens in week 14 of pregnancy?

Your 14 week baby is looking cuter and cuter by the day.  Baby’s head is a lot rounder and looking more in proportion to the rest of them. Around 14 weeks, they are also learning new skills all the time – such as drinking! – by swallowing tiny sips of amniotic (the water around them) fluid, your baby is learning how to swallow, pass the fluid into their stomach and kidneys and pass out as urine.

Week 14 pregnancy symptoms

As your pregnancy progresses, you’ll find that some symptoms change and disappear, whilst others are things that you will experience throughout your pregnancy.  It’s different for everyone – so try not to compare yourself to others – and most importantly don’t let others compare you!

  • Hunger – As your body settles into the second trimester and you become more active, you may find that you are finding your appetite again.  Eating for 2 is a myth – at this stage in pregnancy you don’t need any extra calories and your baby does not need you to have extra meals to grow.  

Make sure you are eating as healthy and varied diet as possible, lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and a good balance of protein and carbohydrates will keep you feeling fuller longer without eating more that you need to.  The NHS Eatwell guide gives a good idea of what a healthy plate of food looks like and lots of tips too – https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/the-eatwell-guide/


  • Hair changes – Have you noticed any hair changes? It’s not uncommon in the second trimester to notice that your hair feels silkier, healthier, stronger and just fabulous.  It’s all down to higher levels of the pregnancy hormone oestrogen, which prolongs the hair growth phase and means that you shed less hair than normal.  It doesn’t last long – by the end of your pregnancy the opposite may happen, so enjoy this added bonus. 


Week 14 pregnancy tips

  • Get more active – if your first trimester took it out if you, getting active will help you feel better and increase your energy levels.  Start off gently – a daily walk, some gentle pregnancy yoga – just moving more is a great starting point.
  • Have you thought about letting your employer know you are pregnant? If you haven’t already, have a look at what your rights are, when and how to let your employer know and how your health and safety should be assessed in pregnancy.  https://www.gov.uk/working-when-pregnant-your-rights

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