Meet The Team

Amina Hatia RM
Midwife/ Course Leader
Amina is a qualified midwife who lives in Hertfordshire with her husband and 4 children. Since qualifying, Amina has worked in hospital, community and home-birth settings in the NHS, private and charity sector as a midwife. Whilst she loves all aspects of midwifery care, her passion is in antenatal education and care. Amina has facilitated hospital and GP practice based antenatal classes and also 1-1 private classes, which include Hypnobirthing techniques following her training with the Mogan method in 2006 and then with Katharine Graves in 2016.
Amina is a passionate advocate for women and families achieving the best birth experience for them, using knowledge and empowerment gained from women centred antenatal education that covers all aspects of pregnancy, birth and beyond.

Marley Hall BA RM Diphe
Associate Midwife
Marley is a qualified midwife who lives in Surrey with her husband and 5 children including a set of twins. She has practised midwifery in various settings throughout London and Surrey over the past 10 years covering both the NHS and private sectors. During her time within the NHS, she has covered all aspects of midwifery care including antenatal care as a community midwife, labour and birth care on both delivery suites & birth centres and postnatal care on both the ward and in the community.
Marley also trained as a Hypnobirthing instructor with Katharine Graves back in 2011 which has helped many women achieve a calmer, happier birth.
Marley decided to use her midwifery knowledge and skills to develop the NowBaby Live online course for women who are unable to access traditional ‘face to face’ antenatal classes

Hayley McGrath RM
Registered Midwife/ Class Tutor
In 2019 Hayley worked as a volunteer in Western Africa teaching skills to midwives.This was an amazing experience and something she would like to do again. She has a passion for antenatal education and values the importance of it in providing a positive birth experience to women and their birth partners.

Despina Georgiou
Registered Midwife / Class Tutor
Despina is a qualified midwife who lives in Liverpool with her Husband, young baby and little dog. She qualified as a midwife in London and has worked in all areas of midwifery care.
She has just returned to her role as Midwifery lead of a Community team and birth centre, where she supports women and birthing people in their antenatal and postnatal care and facilitates parent’s to be in achieving the birth that is right for them.
Despina is an experienced midwife who has run numerous courses for Now Baby and brings her passion and extensive experience in facilitating birth choices to every class to ensure that all parents feel supported in making the right choices for them.

Verity Jarvis
Customer Service Advisor
Verity is a firm part of the NowBaby team and has the role of customer service for NowBaby Live. If you have any queries relating to the course dates or booking, please contact her at

Dr Carly Fertleman
Professor of Paediatrics / Class Tutor
Dr Caroline Fertleman (Dr Carly) MD, FRCPCH, MSc, MB BChir, BA (Hons) Cantab, SFHEA, FAcadMEd is a consultant paediatrician based in London, UK with over 20 years’ experience.
She is also the Professor of Paediatrics at University College London (UCL) and co-author of award winning parenting book, Your Baby Week by Week which has sold over a quarter of a million copies.
As a well respected specialist in her field, Dr Carly has helped thousands of children and their parents in her career and is committed to helping parents through what is arguably the hardest of journeys – the parenting journey.
“As well as a healthcare professional, I’m also a mother to 3 children, so I understand the challenges that parents face on a daily basis, particularly with young children under 5. Sometimes there are bad days, sometimes there are good days but ultimately parenthood can be one of the most rewarding experiences anyone can go through. I hope that my help and advice can give parents the tools they need to have the best possible time with their children because before you know it, they will be all grown up!”
Dr Carly is always looking for new and innovative ways to help children thrive and she has introduced a number of projects into her hospital including art, music and pet therapy.
As a Professor of Paediatrics, Dr Carly is responsible for the clinical training of future doctors at the Whittington Hospital, London and supports the next generation of doctors who will continue her passion for paediatrics and strive to always support the health and wellbeing of children and their parents.
In addition to her best selling parenting book, Your Baby Week by Week, Dr Carly has also written 6 other books to help parents during the early years of parenthood including; Baby to Toddler Month by Month, Clever Baby: 100 play ideas to boost your child’s development, Clever Child: 100 creative ideas for your two to five year old, Coping with Two: A stress free guide to managing a new baby when you have another child, Potty Training Boys….the easy way and Potty Training Girls… the easy way.

Clare Ferguson
Registered Midwife / Class Tutor

Miriam Feen IBCLC
Lactation Consultant IBCLC
Miriam Feen is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and has been supporting families for 15 years with all aspects of infant feeding from the antenatal period to wherever they choose to end their feeding journey and anything in between. She is particularly passionate about antenatal education. Knowledge is power and parents should have all the information to make an informed decision.
Miriam believes that all families deserve the right to feed their babies the way they want to whether it is breastfeeding, combination feeding, or formula feeding and she will support parents to achieve their feeding goals by providing private one-to-one consultations. Miriam supports parents with a wide range of issues for example Tongue Tie assessment, Breastfeeding problems including Positioning and Attachment, Sore nipples, Painful feeding, Slow weight gain, just to name a few. More information at

Dr Michelle Robinson
I qualified as a doctor from the University of Manchester in 2011 and I am completing my specialty training in Obstetrics & Gynaecology in north London. I have rotated through various busy NHS hospitals, and have experience in antenatal and labour ward management, as well as postnatal care. I am also specialising in Reproductive medicine and I am currently working towards a masters in Reproductive Science and Women’s Health at UCL. I am a member of the Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. I live in London with my husband and one year old son.

Annum Tariq
I am a Midwife with over ten years of experience. I live in Sheffield with my son and husband.
I have worked in all areas of maternity and currently working in the community.
I manage a large caseload and work in a very diverse area of Sheffield.
My passion for midwifery began at an early age and I believe that women and families from all walks of life deserve the very best, evidenced based information to make informed decisions about their pregnancies and journey into motherhood.